Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still Blogging?

To my students past and present:

If you continue blogging past the end of the semester I encourage you to email me or post a comment on this post to let me know.

If you create any new blogs (not used for English 111 or 112) please let me know and I can include an additional links list for future students, as well as for myself, because even if you've finished my course, I'm still interested in your writing and how you express yourself.


Phil said...

im thinking about blogging still when i find the time. i will let you know.

Paul G. said...

Hi Phil,

Glad you're thinking about more blogging.

Feel free to create a whole new blog or rename yours or whatever you need to do to personalize and customize it for your needs and your audience's needs.

It's all you now. Let me know if you need help.

Elizabeth said...

I still blog Professor G. Not the same blog as from your class, but a blog none the less. If you promise not to correct my grammer and stuff then you are welcome to visit. :)

Paul G. said...

Lazy Bone, if you care to email or post the address, I'd love to read about your creativity and other things.